
Body found – “It is probably the missing lad"

seasA body was found on Thursday in Fonte da Telha, Sesimbra area, by a searcher who said that “it is probably the missing lad," the young man who was part of the group of seven students, six of whom were swept to their death by a wave at Praia do Meco on December 15th.

The body was found mid-morning at the Fonte da Telha beach and the authorities were alerted.

The body was in an advanced state of decomposition and was taken to the Garcia de Orta hospital where DNA tests will have to be conducted to confirm the identity, but is likely to be the missing young man.

The family has been alerted and the discovery marks the end of the search for the missing students which recently has been concentrated in the Meco and neighbouring beach areas due to heavy seas.

Authorities today face another search in the same area, this time for a crew member who fell off a Sri Lankan registered freighter off Oeiras on Tuesday.

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