
Motorcaravan ban at new car-park serving Faro island

faronewbridgeThe new car park some distance from the bridge crossing to Faro island is ready for those that want to park and reach the island using the new wooden walkway.

Currently, many of those using the island’s beaches and restaurants are preferring to drive across the old bridge and take their chances in finding a parking space.

The new car-park is a project delivered by Polis Litoral Ria Formosa which has erected a 'no motorcaravans' sign at the entrance to the new parking facility.

Motorcaravans already are prohibited from parking on the island, not that all observe this rule, and also now are banned from parking in the new car-park.

Currently, motorcaravan drivers only discover that are not welcome in the car-park or on the island when they get there, thus ensuring the maximum inconvenience from awkward u-turns.

But this is to change as the council has announced that it is planning a new serviced area for motorcaravanners.

Faro mayor, Rogério Bacalhau, wants to improve conditions for motorcaravanners and now that the new car-park is finished, apart from the planting of trees which will happen when the heat decreases after the summer, a serviced area facing the Ria Formosa is planned specifically for motorcaravanners.

The council aims to install a septic tank for sewage to help give ‘a more adequate response to the needs of motorcaravanners choosing Faro beach as their destination.'

There is no projected completion date for this new facility, in the meantime motorcaravan drivers are advised to avoid the area.

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