
Portugal's second hottest July for 85 years

6199Portugal’s stored water resources of course have dropped this July, as confirmed by the National Information System for Water Resources, while the weather service confirms that we have just had the second hottest July since 1931.

The hottest July was back in 1989, with an average mainland temperature for Portugal of 24.63°C.  July 2016 was a tad less baking at an average of 24.33°C.

The water situation is good though with 24 of 60 reservoirs monitored shown to be at least 80% full with only seven causing concern with 40% or less.

As for global warming watchers, the air temperature was 2.16°C higher in July than the average for July during the period 1971-2000.

The maximum air temperature of 32.19°C this July was much higher, +3.47°C, than the average and certainly the highest since 1931, beating the 2010 record of 31.75°C.

As for August, the weather service predicts a continuation of hot, hot, hot.

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