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Brexit - British holidaymakers may be charged to visit Portugal

brexitLenBritons could be forced to pay to travel to many other countries in Europe, including Portugal, after the UK leaves the European Union.

Speaking to the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Home Secretary Amber Rudd said she would "not rule out" a US-style visa waiver system after Brexit which would require online applications.

Rudd admitted that many Britons would be surprised that unemcumbered travel around to EU countries is now under serious threat as negotiaions continue between the British government and European Union leaders.

“The EU and the commissioners may be considering alternatives, they will be considering their negotiations with us, just as we are considering it with them. But I am going to make sure that what we do get is in the best interests of the UK,” said Rudd.

The post-Brexit pay-to-visit plan is expected to be compulsory for all visitors to any of the 26 Schengen zone countries from any countries that do not need a visa.

The European Commission is due to reveal draft legislation for the so-called EU Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) later this year as part of its response to the terror threat.

France and Germany back a system based on the US's Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA), the Guardian reported.

That requires visitors to the US from countries that do not require full visas to apply online for permission to travel, preferably 72 hours before they leave and pay $14 (£10.50).

Introduced in 2009, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, US immigration authorities assess whether a visitor is eligible to enter the country under its visa waiver programme, before they arrive at the border.

At present, UK nationals as citizens of an EU but non-Schengen country must show a valid passport to enter the zone, but can then travel freely within it.

After Brexit, however, Britons would have to apply through a future ETIAS scheme and pay to visit the continent, legal experts suggested, something Ms Rudd has now confirmed is a real possibility.

For the Marr:Rudd interview, see:


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-2 #6 DAVID PIMBLETT 2016-09-12 19:11
so presumably anyone visiting UK from EU would be charged
-3 #5 chip 2016-09-12 15:44
Quoting JJ in Gibraltar:
Well, this is what brexiters voted for, so presumably they will be well pleased. But still wrong.

Wrong if you live in Gibraltar but what about the majority who live in the UK? Set aside self interest and look at the bigger picture.
-1 #4 MBT 2016-09-12 14:33
Quoting chip:
Utter tosh!
Regrettably, Amber Rudd is deadly serious and in charge.....
-4 #3 chip 2016-09-12 13:59
Utter tosh!
-1 #2 Virjinie 2016-09-12 11:25
Pre-E'U', UK visitors to most European countries did not need a visa, so what's changed?

The US has always changed its entry requirements from time to time, irrespective of 9/11 whose aftermath all compassionate souls still feel deeply.. :sad:
+2 #1 JJ in Gibraltar 2016-09-11 23:27
Well, this is what brexiters voted for, so presumably they will be well pleased. But still wrong.

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