Drivers to pay more on French roads

LorryNorbertDMotoring in France is set to become more expensive as the country embarks on an extensive programme of motorway improvements.

The €1 billion project was announced on Sunday by France’s transport minister Alain Vidalies.

Motorists are to help underwrite the project through price hikes in toll fees which are to increase every year for three years from 2018 to 2020.

In addition to already agreed fare rises, there will be increases of 0.3% and 0.4% to cover some costs, Vidalies told the Journal du Dimanche newspaper. The remaining amount would be funded by local authorities.

The first of 30 planned major improvement projects is to begin at the end of 2017, and continue until 2020. The upgrades include environmental enhancement, noise barriers and “eco-bridges” for animals to get across the road safely.

The scheme also includes creating carpool areas.

The projects are dotted around the country, but network roads in the northwest and east regions are in line for particular attention.

Vidalies said the scheme would create 5,000 jobs by 2019.
