
Portimão: forest fire near Rasmalho controlled within hours

firehelicopterA fire spread across the countryside near Rasmalho, Portimão, late this afternoon with fire crews from across the Algarve called urgently to the area.

The second-in-command of relief operations, Abel Gomes, said "the fight against the fire is being hampered by the wind in the area, and there is, for now, a threat to homes."

Air support was called and helicopter pilots had a couple of clear hours operation before dusk came when the fire was categorised as 'subdued.'

According to the National Civil Protection Authority website, over 100 firefighters, 30 vehicles and three helicopters fought the outbreak with teams remaining on guard to douse any areas that reignite.

The cause of the blaze is as yet unknown but it seems to have started near the Morgado de Reguengo golf course complex owned by Nau Hotels and Resorts.

One unconfirmed source said the fire begun in a valley behind the gas station near Rasmalho and swept through to eucalyptus forest in the Morgado do Reguengo area, aided by a brisk northerly wind.


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