
 Prized grape heists suffered by famous vineyards

vinesVineyards in the central French region of Burgundy are being plundered by thieves, forcing owners to mount protection patrols.

The harvest this year has been troubled by bouts of spring storms, unseasonal frosts and hail storms. Some fields may yield just 20% of a normal crop.

However, the grapes which have survived are reported to be of high quality, a clear enticement for criminals.

Wine growers have spotted vehicles driving around the fields at night and have reported missing stock.

“We found out in the morning, there were leaves on the ground, and there were grapes on the ground, but very few left on the vines,” Côte d’Or winemaker Eric Boussey said.

“It makes you depressed and angry. They must have stolen the equivalent of a few cases of wine.”

Another producer pointed out that the crop is the result of an entire year’s work.

For the first time, vineyard owners in Burgundy have had to set up night patrols to discourage raiders.

With grape picking in full swing, it is a question of owners beating the robbers to the crop.

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