
Relief for Sir Cliff - sex abuse allegations dismissed

CliffRichard2Sir Cliff Richard said he hoped the announcement by the Crown Prosecution Service “brings the matter to a close” as all allegations of sex abuse have been dropped and an earlier decision not to charge the singer was upheld.

A spokesperson said, "The CPS subsequently received applications to review two of the charging decisions under the Victims’ Right to Review scheme.

"In accordance with the scheme, a CPS lawyer who was not involved in the original decision-making process has completed a full review of the evidence and has concluded that the decisions not to charge were correct."

On hearing the news, Sir Cliff commented, "As I have said previously I'm innocent, so I'm obviously pleased with today's CPS decision and the speed with which they reached it.”

Sir Cliff was accused of sex offences by four men that they said took place between 1958 and the early 1980s.

The latest news in the long-running saga comes after prosecutors received a request from a second person to review the decision not to bring charges against Sir Cliff.

The Director of Public Prosecutions said both reviews would be looked at within 28 days and both cases were reviewed at the same time.

Sir Cliff previously said that he "thought he was going to die" during the legal ordeal brought about by the sexual abuse allegations and admitted that he had not slept properly for nearly two years.

The singer was first interviewed by detectives in August 2014 after a man came forward claiming to have been groped by him at a Christian rally in 1985 when he was a boy. Sir Cliff has always denied the allegations.

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