
UK plastic bag use plunges after levy imposed

4765Even more shoppers in England are rejecting the purchase of plastic bags since a 5p charge for them was introduced nearly a year ago.

More than nine in 10 people claim to often or always bring their own bags when they go shopping, according to a new study. This was up from seven in 10 before the levy came in last October.

Over the course of the year since the charge has been made, public support for the tax has also increased, reaching to six out of 10 people.

The number of plastic bags taken from supermarkets and large retail shops in England has dropped spectacularly by 85%.

Wales and Scotland had introduced a plastic bag charge earlier than England, and demand for the bags has plummeted there also.

Efforts to cut plastic waste were boosted on Wednesday, when Lidl said it would remove single-use plastic bags from all its stores across England, Scotland and Wales by July next year. The supermarket said it was committed to “reduce unnecessary plastic waste” and estimated the change would save 63m bags annually.

Currently the legislation excludes small retailers from having to charge, but the study found that a majority of participants backed a blanket charge across England, Scotland and Wales,

The Cardiff University study also found that environmental awareness increased in England along with the charge. People were found to have a greater willingness to accept other waste policies, such as a 5p charge on plastic bottles.

The research involved a nationally representative survey with Ipsos Mori of people before, just after and six months after the England charge, as well as diaries and interviews, and observations of shoppers at four supermarkets.

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