Algarve anti-oil injunction accepted by Loulé court

oilrigThe Algarve Free of Oil Platform, PALP, announced today that its court injunction to halt the drilling for oil off Aljezur has been accepted as valid by the Administrative and Fiscal Tribunal of Loulé.

The preliminary injunction was filed by PALP in an attempt to stop the drilling in the sea off the Natural Park of the Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina.

The Loulé court accepted the preliminary injunction that had been filed against the Ministry of the Sea and the Directorate General of Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services (DGRM).

Those mentioned in the injunction now have to respond to the court, in depth and in detail.

PALP and its supporters are delighted, stating on Friday June 16th that “We will continue to fight against the drilling by the Galp-ENI consortium that is planned for the seabed off Aljezur.

PALP also pointed out that each of the oil concession contracts that have been signed are not just for exploration: they are for all the phases of oil exploration and extraction, “including research, prospecting, development and production,”

PALP says the current plan by Galp-ENI, recently postponed to 2018, "must be stopped from the beginning."

“We will also continue to fight for the termination of the contracts in force and for the repeal of Decree-Law no. 109/94, of April 26, in order to prevent the granting of any new concessions,” stated the association.