
Algarve anti-oil fight goes live

oilrig2The anti-oil pressure group ASMAA today launched an Algarve-wide petition to support the region's Council Mayors in their firm stance against the government's plans to turn the Algarve into an oil and gas production zone, offshore and onshore.

Readers now can download and sign the "Nem UM Furo - Nem Agora nem no Futuro" petition directed at the Mayors of those 14 Algarve municipalities most affected by the government’s oil and gas ambitions.

 The petition calls for a clean energy future for the region and a ban on further oil and gas exploration.

Pressure also will be directed at Portuguese and European leaders, using the simple form on the ASMAA website. Up to 3 signatures can be added on each form and everything is in English and Portuguese to make life easier for the maximum number of residents.

The preamble on the ASMAA website informs readers of the situation and what we need to express our opinion that the Algarve is a beautiful natural area that attracts tourists, not an oil production zone with attendant risks.

“Drilling for oil and natural gas, using conventional or unconventional technologies such as hydraulic fracturing (fracking), or any other unconventional technology pose serious threats to the health and safety of Portuguese citizens, the environment, communities, resources, and the economy.  

“These technologies are inherently unsafe. We reject the public relations campaigns and lobbying of big oil and gas companies and urge our local, regional, national and European officials to reject all drilling in the Portuguese offshore and onshore, including the planned use of fracking and other unconventional drilling technologies in Portugal both at sea and on land by the oil and gas companies.

“We stand united as a Portuguese national movement in calling on governmental officials at all levels to pursue a renewable energy future and not allow any type of drilling operations, including fracking and other unconventional technologies, as well as any of the associated infrastructure in our community or on any community.

“We are fighting conventional and unconventional drilling, including fracking, and other unconventional drilling technologies, frac sand mining, pipelines, compressor stations, LNG terminals, exports of natural gas, oil, methane and more.

“All drilling, including Fracking and other unconventional drilling technologies are not part of our vision for a clean energy future and should all be banned.”

If you live in Vila Real de Santo António, Vila do Bispo, Tavira, Silves, São Brás de Alportel, Portimão, Olhão, Monchique, Loulé, Lagos, Lagoa, Faro, Albufeira or Aljezur, click on this link and go to the section for your council area.

Readers are encouraged to print the form, complete it and either post it to ASMAA or scan and email it to info@asmaa-algarve.org



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