
Algarve mayors prepare for court battle over oil and gas exploration

oilblocsalgarveThe Algarve mayors group, AMAL, decided as one to take the anti-oil fight to Portugal’s courts to get the exploration licences covering onshore blocks annulled.

Transcending party lines, the mayors have spoken to the government since announcing their objection to the oil and gas exploration licensing and were not impressed with the negative response to their legitimate concerns.

Court is the next step and the 16 mayors are in no mood for compromise as they see the intrusion Portfuel as a step too far and a possible damaging influence on tourism on which each council area depends heavily for its local employment and tax revenue.

AMAL issued a statement today, announcing that "subsequent to the dialogue" with the government, it will refer the whole matter to the courts and will take "all necessary actions to prevent the development of onshore hydrocarbon exploration.”

The Socialist mayor of Tavira, Jorge Botelho, also president of AMAL, explained to Sul Informação that the 16 municipalities unanimously have agreed to hire a top lawyer “to find ways to reverse the contracts and to apply for an injunction that would prevent companies from prospecting.”

Jorge Botelho said that there was a meeting on this topic on January 25th with the Secretary of State for Energy, Jorge Seguro Sanches at which AMAL made it clear that it totally rejected oil exploration in the Algarve region which had been promoted by the coalition government and is being pursued by the present socialist administration.

Thirty days later, the government has failed to contact the mayors group with an opinion, decision or statement which has enabled the concession holder, Portfuel,  free reign to continue its onshore exploration work.

"Our message to the Secretary of State for Energy was clear: the start of this process will be a major blow to the future of the Algarve region to its economic, environmental and social wellbeing and its ‘sustainable development’ which you recommend. The mayors therefore require the immediate cessation of this process to create a better future for the citizens," said Botelho.

As the government has failed to reply to the mayors’ legitimate concerns within 30 days, AMAL will use "all legal forms available to counter the ongoing processes, in order to reverse the contracts, taking into account the serious consequences that may ensue which could jeopardise both the quality of life of the population and the economy, particularly tourism.”


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