
Algarve anti-oil group's successful petition opens doors in Lisbon

oilrig2PALP is to meet the Secretary of State for the Environment in Lisbon and a delegation will be heard by the Parliamentary Committee on the Environment, Spatial Planning, Decentralisation, Local Government and Housing.

The Free Algarve from Petroleum Platform (PALP) will meet the Secretary of State for the Environment on March 28th and on March 30th will be received in the Assembly the Republic under the petition request law. (see below)

At this meeting and hearing, PALP members will express their concern at the exploitation of hydrocarbons off the Algarve coast which requires urgent and transparent discussion as it is a divisive issue shrouded in secrecy - an issue that will affect the population's well-being, local ecosystems and various economic sectors in the region.

PALP also wishes to know the government position in relation to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Algarve.

The organisation recalls that on 23 February this year, PALP members met the Secretary of State for Energy who stated that PALP’s concerns were also his concerns and that these would be taken into account.

He also said that the government wants to reinforce its "firm commitment" to renewable energy and energy-efficiency policies.

This same was reinforced this week by the Minister of Sea, Dra. Ana Paula Vitorino, during her visit to the University of the Algarve where she held several meetings about the dissemination of science, technology and innovation.

For the Minister, the Algarve is an example in the Economy of the Sea to boost economic growth in the region and the country.

At PALP we share the same opinion as the minister: it is important to innovate and invest in young researchers and entrepreneurs, as well as networking and even the creation of an 'Observatory of the Atlantic, but this is not consistent with hydrocarbon exploration in our region.

The truth is that the previous governments have granted rights to explore, research, develop and produce hydrocarbons (oil and gas) on land (including the nature reserves at Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António, the Ria Formosa Natural Park, the Southwest Alentejo and Costa Vicentina and also Sites of Community Importance and in the ocean, off almost the entire Algarve coast (map of concessions and contracts are www.palp.pt available).

This political-economic decision, still in force, is extremely serious if we consider that citizens of the Algarve were not consulted in this process and that it will affect the lives of everyone and everything.

The oil industry in its search for hydrocarbons (in gas or liquid form) makes use of various techniques in a process involving several stages and may have a variety of very negative effects on the environment.

Nevertheless, in Portugal, the prospecting and research has been conducted without any study or environmental impact assessment. Furthermore, the process has been conducted in a manner that does not appear to be in any way transparent.

Attached is a short summary of these activities and some of the possible impacts.

At a time when the entire renewable energy world is showing a positive ability to replace fossil fuels in the short to medium terms, it is unthinkable that a non-producing country like Portugal starts the long-term process of oil and natural gas extraction - especially taking into account that these fuels are largely responsible for global warming and the degradation of ecosystems fundamental to human populations.

The intention to seek new extraction sites is based on an outdated and burdensome energy model, in whichever part of the planet.

PALP argues that it is not possible to give the nod to an unsustainable fossil fuels exploration policy which has never once been part of the history of our country and which carries numerous environmental impacts and risks, while simultaneously embracing renewable energy policies.

* On November 17, 2015, PALP delivered a petition to the Portuguese Assembly with more than 7,000 signatures calling for urgent discussions on hydrocarbon exploration in the Algarve and applied for urgent intervention to stop exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in this region.


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