
UPDATE - "Destination Algarve - Tourism VS Oil" debate - Portimão, Friday 13th May with interpretation to English

oilrigTwo current subjects of deep concern to will be discussed in Faro and Portimão on Friday 13th of May by the Euro MPs José Inácio Faria and Caroline Bearder.

The first session is on the oil and gas exploration concessions on the Algarve’s land, including the likelihood of fracking, and under the region’s offshore waters.

This first session "Tourism vs Oil" will be at 11.00am in Portimão at the Auditorio do Museu and will gauge the level of public feeling for and against the Portuguese governments plans to turn the region into an oil or gas producing area.


The ‘Tourism vs Oil' debate will be held in Portuguese with interpretation to English and the Brexit debate will be held in English.





Auditório do Museu de Portimão, 13 de Maio de 2016, 11h00


The MEP for the Portugal’s Earth Party, José Inácio Faria invites you to attend on May 13, 2016 the debate

"Destination Algarve - Tourism VS Oil" in Portimão Museum Auditorium.


This initiative, which will also feature the presence of the English MEP Catherine Bearder, will bring together representatives of NGOs, civil society associations, business associations, regulatory bodies and representatives of the oil industry, to debate "serious and seriously," without prejudices or taboos and with the participation of all - the question of oil extraction in the Algarve coast and its consequences, positive and negative, for the economy, the environment and populations.


Very we would like to count on your presence and participation in the sense of an open and informative debate.



Brexit debate - Faro

The 17.00pm session in Faro town hall will be a discussion on the UK's forthcoming vote in EU membership and the effects of a Brexit on Portugal’s expat community.

The plan is for a full and frank discussion at each venue so that the MEPs can take views back to Brussels. “The idea really is raise awareness and get feedback”, Faria said.

The Brexit referendum will include coverage of the '15 year' rule which excludes many expats from voting on the Europe issue in the coming June Referendum.

The recent upholding of the government’s stance that the 15 year rule will still apply when the Referendum is held was confirmed in the High Court last week but leave to appeal has been granted.

See http://www.algarvedailynews.com/news/8694-brits-in-eu-brexit-vote-challenge-granted-leave-to-appeal


Salão Nobre dos Paços in the Faro Council building
Friday, 13 May 2016
Opens 16.45 - 17.00
17.00 - 17.10
Welcome – Presidente da Faro Council – Rogério Bacalhau (tbc)
17.10 - 17.30
17.30 - 17.50 José Inácio Faria, MEP Partido da Terra - MPT (Portugal)
Catherine Bearder, MEP Liberal Democrats (UK)
Coffee break
Public participation and debate
18.00 - 19.00 Questions and answers – Moderated by the journalist Frederico Duarte Carvalho
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