
Anti-oil public petition hits 4,000 signature target - parliamentary debate must be held

8570A message from Laurinda Seabra last week, as head of the Algarve's anti-oil campaign organisation ASMAA, highlighted the need for just 4,000 signatures to force a parliamentary debate on 'oil and gas in the Algarve.'

The total numner of signatures hit the target of 4,001 on Tuesday at 21.20. (4,405 as of Friday 16:40)

"This was the best way to get the oil exploration and extraction contracts challenged in court and stopped," said a delighted Seabra "We need to support this cause, more signatures will be really helpful in reinforcing the message that the Algarve has had enough," she added.

"Portugal signed contracts that are a "RIP-OFF". Shameful, with no cheap oil and gas, are no plan of action if there is an accident. There are no environmental impact Studies, no compensation clauses in the event of an accident; a ridiculous royalty rate (10-25 cents per barrel from the various concessions) when the world price currently is between 46 and 50 dollars per barrel.

"All this and much more in a country that receives huge revenues from tourism and has a thriving fishing industry, both of which need to be developed alongside renewable energy technology at which Portugal is beginning to excel.

"The oil contracts now are in the public domain and we can see the reasons they have been kept under wraps for so long.

"Now, finally, after years of secrecy, there's a small period of consultation from 01 to 21 June, which is a parody of the public consultation process as the Galp/ENI consortium are preparing equipment to start drilling off Aljezur on 1 July.

With the minimum number of signatures now reached, a debate on the July 1st drilling plans now must take place in parliament,

"Please, all help to be a part of the solution by signing the petition specifically protesting against the proposed Galp/ENI drilling on July 1st and "thank you to all of those who have put their names to this public petition to stop the oil business steadily taking over the region."

There are still six days to go before the public petition closes and at current rates, a new target of 6,000 is achievable.


Readers with Fiscal Numbers are still invited to click on this next link, fill in the petition and hit ‘send’



For those without a Fiscal Number, to read and share the petition on social media:



See also: 'Galp to start drilling for oil and gas off the Alentejo coast - July 1st'



Readers are encouraged to sent the link to this news item to family, friends and colleagues.


 An image of the mobile drilling ship to be used by Repsol/Partex off Faro

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