Reader's anti-oil letter sums up the Algarve's argument

oilrig2The following letter from an algarvedailynews reader will strike a chord with many in the Algarve who oppose oil and gas exploration on land and in the Algarve's immediate offshore areas.

The government's best response to date has been that the discredited fuels authority under Paulo Carmona will ensure the oil compaineis will proceed to drill 'with great care.' This comic position will ensure the region will be exposed to maximum risk.

The letter reads as follows:

"I travel between the UK, Portugal and Norway so have a broad view of the Algarve oil threat. Neither the UK or the Norwegians would ever accept the derisory financial deal bring offered.

The Algarve will get nothing, neither will Lisbon - no 'profits' will ever be made by tax haven, multi-national companies, so they'll never have to share.

It's also ironic to see posters in Tavira for the Deepwater Horizon movie - the environment and BP are still paying for that mess.

Someone must have a sense of humour too - all over the building works in Faro airport are posters of the pristine and beautiful Algarve beaches. The beaches that bring people here and will soon be ruined by the inevitable oil spills.

Oil always means accidents, everywhere. It just does. Accidents that take decades to clear up. The number of jobs lost in Algarve tourism, fishing and agriculture won't be replaced by new oil jobs. That's a fantasy. The Algarve will die as soon as the first rig arrives.

Some corrupt people will get richer and move on. While the Algarve will be deserted, broken and so much poorer. Tourists and companies who can choose to go anywhere will vanish.

I read one comment that said oil rigs would be a tourist attraction. That would be a first.

Invest in staying unpolluted and caring for the environment and offering people and families a safe, clean, caring place. 99% of all power production in Norway comes from hydropower. Renewable is the future.

They know it, the world knows it. How can some in Portugal want to destroy what makes their country special?

It's so, so sad and so unnecessary."


From: 'Andy Words'



See original article: 'Algarve - government to ensure oil companies 'are careful' when drilling'