
EN 125 accident victim dies after 5 day coma

crashFriends of the Romanian who died in EN125 have appealed to the online community for help to repatriate the body of  Emanuela Ivan, who along with her 3 year old daughter was seriously injured in the car crash on Sunday the 8th of December on the EN125 in Benfarras

Emanuela died in hospital after having been in a coma for five days.

BPN banker sets fire to himself

fireThe banker Ricardo Oliveira, one of the defendants in the ongoing BPN corruption case, has been badly injured following a fire at his villa in Vale de Lobo, Algarve.

The fire started when Oliveira tried to light a fire using liquid fuel. The product exploded and caused a fire, setting light to Oliveira in the process. Am emergency call was received by firefighters around 20.00 on Saturday.

Portuguese in UK wedding scams

portugalA Portuguese man was sentenced on Thursday to two years in prison by a court in Nottingham, England, due to his participation in a marriage of convenience with a Zambian woman.

The jury did not believe a word of the testimony of Nuno Moreira, 29, and Leya Mtonga, 39, that the October 22nd ceremony this year at a registry office was genuine and decreed that both were guilty of conspiracy to facilitate immigration illegal.

Child kidnap in Spain

alicanteA Belgian expat father is alleged to have snatched his young daughter away from her British mother this week in Alicante, Spain.

Kyshan Van Der Zanden, 22, told his partner, British Gemma Mountney, 21, that he was taking his daughter to nursery. He also ensured that she was out of the house for much of the day having given her shopping vouchers and a visit to the spa.

UK rental prices rocket

councilhousesThe cost of renting property in the UK has gone up twice as fast as the cost of a mortgage, official figures suggest.

The average monthly spend on rent will shortly overtake the average mortgage cost.

Rent arrears - fastest growing debt

britishmoneyWith the continual rise in the cost of renting property in the UK, rent arrears are mounting up.

Facing the UK is a “rent debt crisis”, according to the charity Money Advice Trust.

Electricity prices to rise yet again

edpAn average rise of 2.8% in the nation’s electricity bills translates into an increase of €1.21 per month for an 'average' bill of about €46.5.
The electricity bill for domestic consumers is to rise as soon as January 2014, according to the Energy Services Regulatory Authority.

Tour operators delight in the eastern Algarve

alcoutimFive international tour operators have been sampling the delights of the eastern Algarve region this week, enjoying the mountain scenery, the hiking trails, the food, and the beauty of the Guadiana and Ria Formosa.

Hailing from France, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands the tourism experts were introduced to some of the highlights of the area, starting with a visit to the Alcoutim orgainsed by the Association of Tourism of the Algarve, and the Megasport company, in partnership with the City Council and the Odiana association.