Faro technology park still behind schedule

farocamaraFaro is still ‘planning’ the creation of the Algarve International Technology Park in the wasteland and countryside between the airport and the university despite having had the plan and co-financing since 2011.

"There will be lots of technology parks in Europe with the same features that this one will have, i.e. with a university nearby and near an airport” according to Camara vice-president Paulo Santos.

Golfer seriously injured in buggy accident

parquedaflorestaThe bizarre accident occurred on the golf course at Parque da Floresta, Vila do Bispo, after a British golfer had fallen over.

The tourist, 70, was run over at about midday by a golf buggy driven by his wife. The man had fallen over and his wife was unable to stop the buggy in time leaving the victim with a leg fracture.

Algarve tourism helps create a trade surplus for Portugal

tourism‘Invisible exports’ of services including tourism has seen strong growth in the first nine months of the year, far stronger than the growth in the exports of goods.

This performance is thanks mainly to the contribution from a booming tourism sector which has its base and spiritual home in the Algarve.

To September there was an increase in invisible exports of 6.5% over the same period last year. In real money this is a whopping €15,483 million, according to figures published today by the Bank of Portugal.

Borders Service strike may delay flights from Portugal

airplane2Portugal’s Airports operator ANA, now owned by French company Vinci, has advised passengers to arrive on time on 23, 24 and 25 November due to planned strike action from SEF border control staff.

TAP has asked passengers to arrive even before the usual time to ensure they can get through passport control in time for their flights.

Algarve Stadium is now home to Gibraltar's national football team

footballFans in their hundreds watched Gibraltar make history at the Algarve Stadium in Faro as they played their debut as a UEFA member.

The game against Slovakia was secondary to the acceptance in May by UEFA of Gibraltar as a fully accepted European team, albeit one without a suitable stadium.

Spain has not allowed the Gibraltarians to use any venues on the mainland so it’s off to friendly, welcoming Portugal to play their matched until 2016 by which time their own facilities should be ready for top class matches.

Gold gangs busted in €60 million fraud investigation

goldIn a widespread police operation involving 131 search warrants, over €4 million in ill-gotten gains has been traced to bank accounts operated by dodgy dealers from 'Gold Shops' in Portugal.

In two weeks, three gangs have been pounced on, each involved in a swindle that would have cost the state upwards of €60 million in lost VAT.

On Tuesday nine people in two gangs were arrested in various parts of the country in an operation involving more than 300 investigators, policemen and tax inspectors.

Tavira salt protected by EC

salt‘Flor de sal de Tavira’ is now a product with a protected origin according to the latest list from Brussels.

The production of salt and ‘flor de sal’ is limited to three parishes in Tavira which now have Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) status after a request submitted to the European Commission in 2011 has now been granted.

Portuguese couples avoid the joys of parenthood

baby2012Portugal 'lost' 55,000 inhabitants last year as more deaths and fewer births shrunk the numbers.

Portugal has the second lowest birth rate after Germany, which combined with a ageing population and rising death rate, means the country’s population is continuing to shrink.