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"The foxes are raiding the chicken coops and must be hunted”, say Algarve and Alentejo hunters

hunting seasonVery high populations of foxes and mongooses threaten endangered species, ecosystem equilibrium, and smallholder farmers, hunters have argued. In the meantime, Parliament has debated the end of fox hunting.

Renovated Faro Beach campsite set to do away with clingy owners’ association

clingy campsiteA campsite which is “open to all” and in which “turnover will be guaranteed”. These are two of the characteristics of the new campsite project in Praia de Faro.

83,000 immigrants have gained a residence permit in Portugal this year

portugal immigrationThe number of people choosing Portugal as a new home continues to rise, with almost 83,000 new residence permits being issued between the beginning of January and the 15th of September, of which about 24,000 are under family reunification.

BPI bank brings together over 120 Algarve businesses to debate sustainable tourism

bpi debateThis Monday BPI brought together more than 120 managers and entrepreneurs from Algarve businesses to discuss the challenges of sustainable tourism, capturing new markets and combating seasonality.

British grandmother jailed in Lisbon prison for cocaine smuggling plot moans about “very hard” prison conditions

prison conditionsShe was arrested with husband Roger, 72, when cops found nine kilos of cocaine in the lining of four suitcases that her husband was handed on St Lucia last December. The couple were arrested on board the luxury Marco Polo cruise liner in Lisbon on their return from the Caribbean.

Europe's loneliest far-right party flounders in Portugal’s election battle

far right rallyWaving Portuguese flags, leaders of the far-right National Renovation Party (PNR) waited for more people to turn up to their September rally in Lisbon, however, their nationalist chants fell on deaf ears.

€150 million Credit Fund helps Algarve companies face Thomas Cook bankruptcy

thomas cook fundPortugal Tourism has launched a €150 million credit fund for tourism businesses affected by the bankruptcy of tour operator Thomas Cook, in order to address damages caused to these companies as collateral of the collapse.

Former Portuguese Defence minister to face trial over weapons theft cover-up

defence minister corruptPortugal’s former Defence Minister Jose Azeredo Lopes will face trial over his alleged role in a suspected army cover-up of a theft of weapons from a Portuguese military base more than two years ago, the public prosecutor’s office revealed on Thursday.