Algarve the best golf destination, but 'VAT needs to go back down'

valedeloboThe influential magazine, Today's Golfer, has awarded the Best European Golf Destination to the Algarve.

This golfing ‘Oscar’ results from readers’ votes with 48% choosing the Algarve region’s golf courses.

Virus kills 80 cats in refuge centre

Virus kills 80 cats in refuge centreA deadly feline virus has been brought under control at the Algarve’s largest cat rescue and adoption centre, but street cats and unvaccinated pets elsewhere in the region and throughout the country are still at risk.

The Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), also known as feline distemper or cat plague, is highly aggressive and contagious. It kills within a week, sometimes within 24 hours.
The outbreak in the spacious Carvoeiro Cat Charity refuge near Porches started with the impromptu arrival of a single infected kitten. It ended up killing 80 cats, about 25% of the total number being cared for.

Novo Banco now worth €0

novobancoshinylogoNovo Banco could be given away rather than the taxpayer underwriting future losses if the bank is sold.

Bidders still interested in the purchase of the high street bank are only interested if the State indemnifies them againt future losses resulting from hidden bad debts, non-perrforming loans and other horrors that lurk in the bank’s carefully worded accounts.

Portugal's 2016 deficit figure better than expected by European Commission

parliamentPortugal’s deficit for 2016 was down by €497 million and the total "will not exceed 2.3% of GDP," according to a statement today from the Ministry of Finance.

The total deficit was €4.256 billion, primarily resulting from less government expenditure and an increase in Social Security income as more people were in employment.

Vila Galé investment in Portugal's interior - a noble venture

EvoraHotelThe head of Vila Galé hotels, Jorge Rebelo de Almeida, is the sort of thoughtful entrepreneur that Portugal needs more of.

His profitable hotel business closed last year’s accounts with a 15% increase in revenue and the company aims to open five new hotels in Portugal in 2018.

New lithium plant in Portugal to supply Europe's car industry

electricalPlugInCarKeen to set up shop on top of Portugal’s natural lithium resources, the management of Australian mining company Dakota Minerals wants to invest up to €370 million in an industrial facility in Tras os Montes to supply businesses across Europe.

The company is selling assets in Australia to enable it to focus on northern Portugal as a growing market for lithium is predicted due to the rise in popularity of electric cars whose manufacturers needs lithium for the vehicle battery packs.

Finance Minister set for a battering at Thursday's Eurogroup meeting

euThursday’s Eurogroup finance ministers will make it abundantly clear to their Portuguese colleague that things are not going according to plan.

Finance Minister, Mario Centeno, is experiencing a little local difficulty with rising interest rates on Portuguese government bonds, a range of testy banking problems and socialist policies such as raising the minimum wage.

Former Goldman Sachs partner bids €15 billion for banking sector's bad debt

bop4A former partner of reviled international finance house Goldman Sachs says he has access to a €15 billion fund to buy up bad debts from Portugal’s weakened banking sector.

António Esteves worked at several international banks, lastly at Goldman Sachs, and claims he has the support of a big bank, of Deloitte and lawyers Vieira de Almeida, to buy up the debt.