Important Information – All property owners in the Loulé area

Property Ownership in LouleThe Direcção-Geral do Território (DGT) has initiated the creation of a Cadastral record in the municipality of Loulé. This is an administrative record of property ownership and is being created for the first time. Owners of property are requested to mark the boundaries of their property and to submit a declaration of title (Declaração de Titularidade).

The registration process began on August 30, 2013 and the deadline for submission of the ownership declaration is June 19, 2014. There will then be a period of ‘public consultation’ from July 21, 2014 to September 28, 2014. It is during this consultation process that disputes and problems will be identified.

Property Lynx Chartered Surveyors can help property owners with this process either in conjunction with a lawyer or independently. It is important to ensure that the markers are placed correctly, that they are of a type prescribed by the DGT and that they are recorded correctly. For the registration process, there is no requirement to have a topographical record of the markers and boundaries, but in the event of a dispute this information will be essential. Property owners should protect themselves to the best of their ability. 

How can we help ? Property Lynx Chartered Surveyors can provide the following services :

-     Obtain basic paperwork and registration documents
-     Land surveyor to visit the plot and mark the positions and type of markers
-     Builder visits to place markers in accordance with DGT instructions. 
-     Land surveyor to provide basic plan of position of markers and identify basic coordinates for easy identification
-     Photographs taken of all markers and any other relevant features to aid reference
-     Submit paperwork

Please contact us for further information and pricing.

Property Lynx Chartered SurveyorsIan Rostron BSc MRICS,
T: 965 099 405 

Angus Gilmore ANT
T:  919 704 364


See also: