Readers Comments' - Guidelines

Readers Comments - invites readers to express opinions and engage in discussions with one another by leaving comments on our news items. Please follow these guidelines to ensure a welcoming environment for all readers.

We review comments and reserve the right to remove or edit content before or after posting.

1. Respect one another. Please refrain from posting offensive, obscene, threatening or abusive comments. If you personally attack other readers or writers, your comment and responses to those comments may be removed from the discussion. Attacks create a hostile environment that discourages discussion. You are fully responsible for libelous or defamatory comments.

2. Hate-speech will not be tolerated. Comments containing racism, homophobia, sexism, or any other form of hate-speech have no place on our site.

3. Keep your language in check. Obscenities often will prevent a comment from being posted. Those writing in CAPITALS will not be posted, whatever the content.

4. Stay on topic. Comments should be related to the topic discussed in the associated article or blog post. In order to keep the conversation relevant, off-topic comments may be edited or removed.

5. Don't impersonate someone else or otherwise mislead as to the origin of your comments. If we believe you've impersonated someone else, we reserve the right to remove the comment.

6. Spam and commercial content will be removed. We do not welcome comments containing copy used for commercial purposes or for soliciting funds.

7. Stop and think before you comment. We won't remove comments because a reader or writer regrets a post. Please remember that these comments are searchable and a comment history has a long life on the web.

8. Don't include personal information in your comments. We strongly discourage readers from posting personal information about themselves and reserve the right to remove any comments we find with personal information about other people or that violates a third party's right to privacy.

9. Repeated abuse of our guidelines will lead to commenting privileges being suspended. If you think you've been banned by mistake, let us know.