Secure a Tea!

Secure a TeaPlease, please, can anyone tell me why, why it is so
That on ALL card receipts YOUR name they must show?
They even contain 50% of your card’s number for sure
Making it easier for “uno-whos”to make a “crooked-score”

The same data, no doubt, is retained by the “seller”
Which also is a worry, for this decrepid “ Old Fella!”
Also a crafty look at the pin numbers you have to “punch”
By a 3rd party, allows them a profit, simply from a “hunch”

If provision of name and numbers is a “computer need”
To me, too much info. A programme they should “weed”
And stop giving crooks a mighty help, don’t you know,
To withdraw from our banks - MANY MANY EURO!

By Richard Thurman