Bingo Fury - you’re not allowed to play it

BINGO FURY - YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY ITSince the bingo raid at Almadena when armed police burst into a bar where they were playing the game and arrested everybody, bingo has stopped. All the clientele were fined 350 euros each, which they refused to pay. The money was finally paid when the police agreed they would give it to charity.

Before lockdown, at a secret location on the Algarve, there was a meeting of people who wished to play the dreaded game. Lookouts were posted at street corners and the bingo addicts were ushered into a darkened room in the vain hope that they may win a tin of biscuits or a bottle of wine.
Wearing face masks and L E D headlights the participants pursued their habit shouting housey housey occasionally. At half time sandwiches and refreshments were smuggled in to the players and the game continued. The end result was that these terrible gamblers raised 400 euros for the local children’s orphanage.

In Praia De Rocha, we have a casino that would willingly bankrupt you in a trice and this continues on a daily basis. They have an annual turnover of millions and I wonder how much they contribute to the orphanage?

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