
Taxation authorities - the strong arm of Segurança Social

TAXATION AUTHORITIES - THE STRONG ARM OF SEGURANÇA SOCIALAm I the latest, or even the last person to discover the strong arm of Segurança Social? I started letting a private property on the Algarve in 2016. Registered with IVA, income tax, SEF and AL. There is no Segurança Social payable on either letting income or by individuals in receipt of state pensions.

Having deregistered for IVA in 2021 after a barren year in 2020, I received four years’ worth of IVA refunds in April 2021.

Exactly one week after this receipt, €1425 was removed from my bank account without my authority, explanation or any notice. Investigation by the bank shows that this was the work of Segurança Social.

In September funds in my bank account were blocked, again by the same source.

At no time have I received any communication or notification of any liability. I do not have a postal address in Portugal, but am represented by accountants for IVA and income tax purposes.

I have eventually found an online access to my account, and discovered that my liabilities dated back to 2016, and that the payment taken included more interest than relevant tax. I am able to pay the remaining amount showing as due, however my bank balance is blocked, and more interest is accruing.

Emails to SS are taking six weeks to be replied to, and any reimbursement could take up to three years to be agreed. It appears that this organisation has access to individuals bank information without having to inform the person concerned.

Does anyone have a solution to this extraordinary way of raising tax, or the associated invasion of privacy?

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