UK pension credit stamps

UK PENSION CREDIT STAMPSThis article is regarding UK citizens getting pension credit top ups going back to 2006, which finishes at the end of this tax year, becoming 6 years only to enable Portuguese residents to get a full UK pension when they retire.

Our reader writes:

"We have been trying to do this but have failed, because it is impossible to access the UK goverment gateway site because of not having the security paperwork needed to log in, ie UK bank account, UK credit card or UK address etc. This is the case for many other people, who are also complaining.

We finally sorted it by scanning the passport in instead of entering it manually (don't enter it manually) which is first option when you get to options page, you do it with a QRcode that comes up.

You have to download the goverment verify app when you get there, you scan the QR code on the passport front page, then follow what comes up and you're in! we had trouble getting the mobile phone to scan the face until we went outside and scanned it with the person standing against the plain white villa wall, in good light.

We also submitted a form you can download, read leaflet N138 and print it off. 

We had a confirmation email to say they had received the the form and we phoned the number they gave and they said they had got both applications and not to worry because as long as they got the applications before the end of the tax year you can top up when they send out notification of the number of stamps you can top up with, when they get time."