Portugal - 'the real state of the nation' - a reader writes...

carnation1974It is so sad to read some articles that the media believes will cause impact or damage, but which never explain the crucial impact on our actual society under PSD rule which is pretty much a right wing party which has taken us back to the time of Salazar.

Media censorship is being updated and is again being introduced in today’s journalism and TV news reports.

May I express my personal opinion about certain aspects of life in Portugal today and the article regarding the taxes and the Socialists?

The present party in power (supposedly Social Democrats) has increased everything that is to their own advantage and decreased the quality of life of an entire nation.

The emigration of middle class citizens (thousands of them) and youth (500,000+) has increased to the point of having in Portugal an old and unemployed population who struggle to survive the poverty which now affects 30% of the country.

An expensive health service and expensive drugs forces us all to take private health insurance instead of using what was created in 1974, a national health service free for the average person unlike the rich who anyway went to the UK, USA or SWITZERLAND to see a Doctor or a specialist, often for abortion or for cosmetic surgery.  

Education is becoming the preserve of the rich. It used to be common for the well off to send their kids to study abroad. Today we again see parents who have lost everything having to take their children out of school and send them to work to help pay the household bills.
Huge numbers of businesses are going bankrupt or insolvent on a daily basis because taxes charged are higher than their actual revenue.
Justice is applicable only for some and certain citizens are arrested without trial due to a fear that their freedom could impede the elections, while corrupt criminals have the president’s pardon (BPN bank, BES banking and investments banks) despite clients having lost all their savings, deposits and pension pots.
The Finance department suddenly has €57 million to share with its staff because the staff did a great job seizing money, houses, cars, savings and retirement pensions from debtors.

Unemployment is on the rise but the government and the media change the numbers to show us that there are thousands who have got a job (yes, abroad) and that the percentage of unemployed is decreasing at a rapid pace.

Even Brussels has shown concern over Portugal’s figures as well as over disobedience related to initiatives such as the Scut roads .i.e. the A22 which is not a motorway, as well as other roads that should not have tolls.
Lies and more lies.

The National Institute of Statistics no longer is accurate. Therefore, if one wants realistic and critical statistics you have to look at foreign independent surveys. But when the real numbers are poor, we hear that all is well and growing.

Look at the TAP strike, what a joke. The Secretary of State for Transport  went on TV to say that the three days of strike action had already had a €3 million impact and that at the end of the 10th day it could be around €30 million. This sounded bad but was realistic.

Two days later the Minister of the Economy went on TV to say that the strike after five days had already cost some €17 million.

What? I am saying that we all are tired of lies, intrigue, corruption and bad governance.

If the socialists increase IMI, I agree, because to own a house at present times is not for everybody. If one does not have the capital to own, it is better to rent instead of buying.

Banks gave out credit like ice cream, without checking the background of the client. Now they want the money and the property back. To give money away like that was totally wrong but no one complained. Now, if jobless or earning less, it becomes clear that people could not afford to borrow to buy the property right from the start.

There’s so much more as I am sure you know...

Please note that I am a person with no political party chosen to rule or prefer this one or another one.

No, I wish Portugal would be ruled by young thriving politicians with honour and with pride in the country and in the population they represent as a result of democratic elections.

Thank you,

If you read this, you will have your opinion, which I respect, but maybe if we all show our reactions to the faults and errors of the current government that does not contribute to the country's well being, the President should act accordingly to throw them out and should NOT support or cover up for friends and others in his circle.