Fly by Night and Day

Fly by Night and DayAn observational poem for those 'by the sea', by ADN reader Richard Thurman.




Fly by NIGHT and DAY!!

It’s a 4 letter word found in birdcages ending with “-it””"
And I don’t wish to mislead you, but it certainly ain’t grit
I have just spent 2 hours removing from my balcony a “lotta”
Deposited by what in Portuguese they call by name GAIVOTA
We’ve even had the misfortune over the past 2 years
On our terrace not only Ma & Pa, also “two little dears”
Handing down the art & duty of perfecting “deposit”
Left in the sun for a while makes it hard to remove “-it”
I’m not telling “porkies”;removal can’t be done in a rush
Even with fixed to a stale, chisel, scraper & a wirebrush
I appreciate that tourists admire the way they soar & “cor”
But think differently if they had “cocô” on their own floor
If we continue to allow them to fly over orchards; I guess
Most of our apples, oranges & almonds will end in a mess
Their numbers are increasing, difficult to be scared or caught
So do any of your readers agree with me, it’s time some were “MORTE”!?