- 2016 Readership Survey results

6208aUsing the free survey programme from Survey Monkey, the team ran the 2016 readership survey on June 21st.

Thank you to all of those 'Dear readers' who took part. The responses received are sufficient to give a good idea as to reader attidudes and interests.

(In questions 1 and 3, just ignore the answer fields that show no result - these popped up in the final version that did not show up on the final draft.)

























Below is a selection of comments about 'what readers like about algarvedailynews'

Reports Portuguese political mess without fear or favour. I like the links that take you to more about the subject. All the information in one place, with links for additional info. Interesting, if somewhat too opinionated. Gives me a quick glimpse into the articles I want to read. Up to date. Easy to read. Some good content. It keeps you up to date. Good soundly based items.Yes , up to date news on the coruption of the goverment and the boys club. Written with humour and keeps me up to date. Often the only source of 'real' news and political information. I live back in the UK now and look forward to my weekly dose of Algarve Daily News. Weekly the shenanigans re corruption. Like the 'no nonsense' straight talking opinions. I am always interested in what is happening in the Algarve, particularly when I am back in the UK. Gives a lot of insider information. Yes - it gives insights to news which others don't print. Good articles usually worthy of comment. I like the waspish attempts to annoy the corrupt. My favourate Algarve news site because of the many different news and the critical political opinion. Yes, for the news with a healthy cynicism. Excellent coverage, and very switched on about local politics. It seems honest, it is a bit sarcastic and I like it.


There are comments about what readers 'don't like about algarvedailynews'

So much news about the banks. The editorializing of the political news.Portuguese dishonesty! I like to read things that are simple to read and understand, detailed and to the point.Newsletter - too cynical. The web site is fine - the email is at times too cynical. Not a lot - that's why I look every day. Can be a little xenophobic. it's very depressing, law and justice should be much more active as in the rest of Europe.Too much general Portuguese news. Too many adverts, but guess it's income generating. The moving ads. The articles do not load well on a tablet or Phone, you have to scroll to the right and the left to read it. There seems to be a lot that relates to Government items. Could have liked even more news from Algarve, and less national news - international news I read elsewhere. It seems to be a bit "snarky" at times. Occasionally repetitive.