What Is Your Level of Education According to Your Math Skills and how to test your knowledge of mathematics yourself?

WHAT IS YOUR LEVEL OF EDUCATION ACCORDING TO YOUR MATH SKILLS AND HOW TO TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF MATHEMATICS YOURSELF?Math is one of the oldest and most complex scientific fields that we have used and developed through the centuries. It's based on the use of logic and clear principles; however, it represents a challenge to a vast number of students.

Math proficiency seldom depends on our level of education. We can hold a Ph.D. degree in social studies and still fail math problems that a third-grade student solves with ease.

If you would like to check your level of math without the risk of failing a school test or college exam, here are a few ways how you can test your knowledge. 

The simplest way to test your knowledge of mathematics yourself is to write a paper on the subject. This can be a great way of testing your understanding of mathematical concepts, as well as your ability to apply them. If there are no writing skills, but there is some knowledge of mathematics, you can use the service: https://mypaperdone.com/

Online learning platforms

The internet is full of digital tools, such as Brighterly, that can help students with different academic issues, including math. Some platforms offer simplified answers to common math problems, others keep an extensive library of information. Some websites let you check your math answers from a recent test you took. This way you could know what to expect when the test results come in. Using online platforms to check your math proficiency is an elegant way to understand how advanced you are and even track your improvement.

Some platforms also allow you to choose a distinct mathematical discipline and put your knowledge of that scientific field to the test. This is an effective method of understanding your current level of proficiency in fields like algebra, calculus, or any other aspect of math.

Take math quizzes

There are quizzes on social networks that let you see which Power Ranger you are or what is the best place for your next vacation. Apart from these pieces of software that serve for nothing more than amusement, some also have informative value. You can find interesting apps that test your level of math on Facebook. These pieces of software include everything from simple math problems to challenges that would sweat even the most advanced math students.

Apart from understanding your level of math, you will also have fun while answering questions that quiz creators intended for you. Depending on their complexity some math quiz apps require more advanced math knowledge and others include multimedia content to present a math question.

Try to solve real-world problems using math

Most of our everyday activities require some sort of mathematics. If you go shopping, you have to know some simple calculus. Geometry is essential when you ride your car, do home repairs, or even do some gardening activities. If you wish to test your math skills on your own, then you should try to solve some real-world problems using mathematical principles.

You can try and create some statistics that will help you organize your day better or figure out how much time it takes before the bathtub gets filled with water. There are challenges that you can take all around you, each requiring the use of a different mathematical discipline.

Get involved with math literature

Reading and writing on any given topic is a great way to test your understanding and improve your level of knowledge in a certain field. The same goes for math, reading and writing on math topics is an efficient method of testing our math skills. If reading on a certain subject is not easy to follow, then we are not yet fit for that subject and we need more practice. On the other hand, writing allows us to clarify our thoughts and assess our current understanding of the topic we’re processing.

According to some math teachers, writing on mathematical topics allows teachers to assess a student’s understanding of a math concept. Some teachers mix reading articles that include math topics and writing a reflection on that article. This way teachers can have an insight into how a student perceives the topic of the article. More than that, the reflection shows how much of the written content student understands. You can apply the same principle to yourself and play the role of both the teacher and the student.


Math is one of the most challenging scientific disciplines that both scares and excites students at the same time. Understanding your level of math proficiency allows you to plan your future steps and set your academic priorities. We hope these few pieces of advice will help you test your knowledge of math and advance to the level that you hope to achieve. You can always make it a group effort and have fun with your friends while you try to discover your math skills.

Author Bio:

Cory Shilling is a freelance content writer with extensive knowledge of science. Her work is based on topics that help the audience improve their academic abilities. Apart from that, Cory writes informative scientific content that provides practical benefits to a wide array of audiences.