
American Football in the Algarve - a win for the Algarve Pirates!

Algarve Pirates game - Feb 9th

A crowd of around 150 spectators saw The Algarve Pirates American Football team win their first game on Saturday in the brilliant sunshine at Mexilhoeira Grande.  In an exciting and hard fought contest with the Sta. Iria de Azoia Wolves the Pirates were victorious by 33 points to 15, an astonishing achievement for a team in only its third game as a league team.
Not only did they win convincingly, but the Pirates now have a real opportunity at being involved in the end of season Playoffs, which would make them the first team in league history to reach the Playoffs in their first season.

Not only did they win convincingly, but the Pirates now have a real opportunity at being involved in the end of season Playoffs, which would make them the first team in league history to reach the Playoffs in their first season.

The Algarve Pirates were hosting the second game at their home field with a return fixture against the Wolves, who beat them at home in Lisbon by 18 points to nil in the opening game of the season. Scoring began early for the home team with a field goal in the first quarter, after a period of sustained pressure by the Pirates which continued for most of the contest. The Wolves rallied as expected and a period of poor discipline by the Pirates saw the Wolves take the lead, but the Algarve team recovered their momentum and began the steady march to victory in the second quarter, which included a 35 yard Touchdown pass and two rushing Touchdowns.

The Pirates next match is once again in Lisbon against the formidable Lisboa Navigators on March 10th, but they will no doubt be buoyed by this result, and particularly with the way it was achieved.

For more information about the region’s only American Football team and details of how to be involved, either as a player or a sponsor, you can visit their website www.algarve-pirates.com , e-mail the Pirates on futebolamericano@algarve-pirates.com or call 960 387 408.

Algarve Pirates game - Feb 9th

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