
American- Style Football Team - now hosting tryouts

Algarve Pirates - American FootballOur American-style Football team in the Algarve, The Algarve Pirates, has resumed practices every Tuesday and Thursday evening as well as Saturday mornings in Mexilhoeira Grande, just west of Portimão. They are preparing for their second season in the Portuguese League.
Open to ages 16 and up (most players range in age from 20 – 40 yrs of age) anyone who thinks they would like to experience the sport is encouraged to come out.

The team has already attracted players from across the Algarve.  Highly sought after are more good-sized and strong men for the offensive and defensive lines, and several more fast players for the “skill positions”, ball carriers, pass receivers, and such.

Rides are available to players and potential players from all parts of the Algarve. League games begin in January with practice games to be played in November and December.

The Pirates have drawn a good number of fans already and are working hard to improve on last year’s record. All American-style football teams in the Portugal League (see: www.FAPortugal.com ) are amateur level teams, for now.

More sponsors are sought as the club has specific plans for the team to produce promotional events and videos for each sponsoring brand or company.

For more information please contact Don Dixon on:

TM: 960 387 408
E: donbillie@pobox.com

The Algarve Pirates

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