Better Use For Digital Tech

Better Use For Digital TechMillions of people talk about artificial intelligence (AI) to simplify above all bureaucratic tasks.

In practice most developers adjust their apps to their own reference groups, or to a very small group of potential users. In order to make quick apps they reduce the samples of target-groups for their tests, which result in unnecessary huge problems for some users who prefer to go back to traditional ways, face-to-face.

Surveys show that AI is used 60% more in services than in manufacturing, much more in Client Support than in Sales. The levels of insatisfaction among users, when measured, is very high, mainly in those who are 50 years old or more. These usually have more money for services and purchase of goods, as they already have paid most or all of their real estate debt.

In the public sector hundreds of legal suits by citizens resulted in fines against states in the EU, by the Human Rights Court. Only the agreement by the citizen may oblige him/her to use fiscal´s or government´s digital procedures. But most countries keep those norms, although paying fines to the EU.

“One operator sent exactly the same answer FIVE TIMES to different complaints by a client, although he wrote to ANACOM several times that he had three different problems which were not solved”

Also governmental control agencies, pushed by theories rather than best practices, let digital enterprises, pressed by the cartels, adopt softwares which are good for the cartel, bad for citizens. As an example, ANACOM is satisfied if a telecom operator sends a reply to a client who relates an unfair app procedure. ANACOM does not check with the citizens if the operator solved the problem. One operator sent exactly the same answer FIVE TIMES to different complaints by a client and, although he wrote to ANACOM several times that he had three different problems which were not solved.

In some countries there is an OMBUDSMAN, directly under the rule of the PM or President, to guarantee that the laws are practised by those control agencies or other governmental institutions. Not yet in Portugal.

A director of one of those agencies said in a small group, that there were not sufficient independent software developers in Portugal. The Algarve has excellent weather and is at short distance to Lisbon and could easily bring the best talents from whole Europe. As the Silicon Valley was developed in the US.