
Temporary reprieve for Expat UK Telly viewers

Astra 2e satellite launch delayedThe launch of an ILS Proton launch vehicle with the ASTRA 2E satellite was postponed yesterday for technical reasons associated with the launch vehicle. The satellite is being launched for SES of Luxembourg and was built by Astrium. The new launch date will be determined at a later time.

On September 11, Khrunichev engineers at the launch site received an out of tolerance reading in the first stage of the vehicle.

 It was determined that further investigation is necessary, requiring the launch vehicle be returned to the processing hall for additional testing. The vehicle and satellite remain in a safe configuration at the launch site.

Updated information will be posted on the ILS website, www.ilslaunch.com, as it becomes available.

For help and advice on how to ensure you are still able to watch your TV favourites please contact:

W: expat-tv-portugal.com
T: 282 102 523
E: sales@expat-tv-portugal.com

Photo courtesy of www.ilslaunch.com

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