
Caravan for rent: consumer market the new trend?

Caravan for rent: consumer market the new trend?Purchasing a caravan does not only come with a price tag, but also with maintenance and other ownership costs. This is not something that every consumer is looking for. Renting a caravan could be a more favourable option. You do not have the liabilities of maintenance, but can still enjoy your well deserved holiday.

Renting a caravan

There are many ways to rent a caravan. Do you want to rent it near your hometown and drive to your holiday destination, or do you prefer to rent it near your destination? The latter leaves you flexible in terms of transport. You can travel by plane and rent a car, or you can simply drive to the destination with less weight (and thus spending on fuel).

Offline caravan rental

You can rent a caravan by visiting a travel agency. These agencies have contacts at rental companies across the country and globe. Often these costs are relatively high compared to looking for options on the Internet yourself.

Online rental options

Renting online comes with different options you can consider. For example, rental companies have their own websites that specify their caravans and their corresponding prices. Comparing the rental companies gives you a clear picture of the additional services (and potential costs) to make your decision.

To make it easy for consumers, websites started comparing the rental companies themselves. With these overviews, you can provide your preferences as inputs and the website provides the best option. Their take? They often receive a small fee for every booking made via their comparison website. With all these options, we are still looking at the rental companies that have been in place for decades…

What about those that do own a caravan?

Owning a caravan does not have to limit itself to it being a liability. A caravan owner can also transform the caravan in a mean of income. Having a caravan for rent is a new way for owners to create a stream of income and cover the cost of ownership. Platforms such as Camptoo make it possible for caravan owners to rent out caravans to other consumers.

How Camptoo establishes trust between consumers

It can be hard to trust other consumers via the Internet. How can you determine if they will treat your caravan in the way you would? On of the means to mitigate this risk is by providing reviews. A user with more reviews is more likely to be trusted. However, in case something happens, how will you be covered? What are the potential risks?

This is where Camptoo rental steps in and provides insurance to its users. This ensures that caravan owners can put their caravan for rent without being exposed to a lot of risk. The payment is also being handled by Camptoo, functioning as an escrow between the parties. Hereby the owner is sure to receive the funds when the booking has been made.

Why renting from consumers is on the rise

The consumer-to-consumer market via platforms like Camptoo is on the rise. Consumers have more choices when it comes to the available caravans. There is something available for every budget, ranging from luxurious to vintage caravans. Besides that, the costs of renting from consumers is also significantly lower than the rental companies. These companies have fixed and variable costs to take into account, whilst consumers already have the caravan without any additional cost from renting. The positive trend of more consumers choosing for this rental options is continuing for the coming years. Why not give it a try and go on a caravan rental holiday during your next trip?

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