
Another Wonderful Portugal - Part 3

ANOTHER WONDERFUL PORTUGAL - PART 3Montemor has a very old fortress where the Portuguese fought several wars against Arabs, Spaniards, etc. It is located high up, with fantastic views to the Mondego River, between Coimbra and Figueira da Foz.

The food in the Montemor restaurants is also outstanding. Best is grilled, fresh fish. Try it at Tasca da Mariana.

There is a technically perfect training channel along the river; many EU athletes row there, in winter. In about 15 minutes you are at nice beaches and big shows in a Casino in Figueira da Foz. At the same distance you reach the cultural Coimbra, with its very old and known university.

from the fortress down to town

The church inside the Montemor´s fortress has nice old paintings and a rich history.

Older buildings with rich works of art inside the Center and modern districts on the outskirts attract many tourists who are looking for the unusual, local culture.

Camara Municipal 
At the home with my acquaintances, I found old furniture, fine craftsmanship.

old furniture


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