
Learn Portuguese with Poetry, a new book by Rita Faria

LEARN PORTUGUESE WITH POETRY, A NEW BOOK BY RITA FARIAAprender Português com Poesia/Learn Portuguese with Poetry was published by Rita Faria, and it is available on www.amazon.com. The author, whose main goal is widespread knowledge and joy through her native language, is a translator, teaches Portuguese as Foreigner Language and is co-founder of the learning platform www.portuguesefromportugal.com.

For her, when a teacher writes small notes on the board in order to explain a certain subject to her students, basically what she does is materialize her thoughts on a slate. Similarly, what is intended with this collection of poems is to materialize her experience in the different places where she has lived as a way of helping everyone who is learning Portuguese.

Aprender Português com Poesia/Learn Portuguese with Poetry, published by Rita FariaIn addition to the poems created in Portuguese and translated to English by the author, in this book we find exercises focused on grammar and glossaries with definitions of some words or expressions. Therefore, this book it’s a learning tool because it helps a Portuguese learner to comprehend the Portuguese language through unconventional means.

As the author describes in one of her poems, "Ser Português"

Ser português é viver,

Com a saudade latente no peito,

Por um passado histórico grandioso,

Que nos faz orgulhar e encher de respeito.

Ser português é sofrer,

Com pequenas coisas e expressar-se de forma exagerada.

É o dramatizar das coisas simples da vida,

E vivermos intensamente com a pessoa amada.

Ser português é vibrar, acreditar, gritar.

É ser campeão no mundo das vivências,

Carregando um campeonismo,

Que a genética coletiva introduziu sem contingências.

For any query about the book or other topic related to the author’s work reach out to contact@portuguesefromportugal.com


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