
INTRUSION - new crime thriller by Réal Laplaine

INTRUSION - new crime thriller by Réal LaplaineMake a pot of coffee or get a large glass of wine and get ready to stay up late!
Netherworld Books, Somerset England, has just published INTRUSION – A KEENO CRIME THRILLER NOVEL, by author Réal Laplaine.

INTRUSION is the first in a series of unique crime thrillers based on a Canadian crime fighter, Keeno McCole, who heads up the Royal Canadian Mounted Police anti-terrorism unit. He’s no suave James Bond. McCole is a tough Canadian with an attitude and he doesn’t give criminals a second chance. You cross paths with him and you’ll be sorry you did.

Book Synopsis...

As a man brutally beats and then strangles the woman, four year-old Keeno McCole grabs a pair of kitchen scissors and drives them into the attacker, saving his mother from an ugly death. From that day forward Keeno knew his place in the world, and over the years he honed his fighting skills.
Now, as head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police special anti-terrorism unit, McCole and his team go up against major players in the arena, taking them across the vast Canadian domain and into China and America as they chase down the criminals. Keeno's unique personality and his tenacious, though reckless obsession to stop the criminal element, not only puts the FU back into crime-fighting, but will keep you riveted to the end.

“Awesome book!! Just the right amount of suspense, action and love story to keep you turning the pages again and again. Loved it!!”
April Booth

“I LOVE Keeno! I am impressed with the high quality of this novel … it has EVERYTHING I look for when I pick up a book to read. It made me angry, it made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me chew away ALL of my fingernails, but it mainly made me cheer for Keeno … despite the outrageously bizarre and deadly menaces Keeno dares to fight.”
Ana Danel

Intrusion by Réal Laplaine is available to purchase in paperback, or on Kindle, at Amazon.co.uk.

Réal LaplaineAbout Réal Laplaine

Réal Laplaine is a native Canadian. He grew up in Canada and later moved to America. He recently relocated to Sweden.
His adventures are full of adrenaline and danger - from having a gun pointed at his head, a knife to his back, chasing and tackling a criminal in Los Angeles, stopping beatings, putting out fires and pulling unconscious people from a burning vehicle within seconds of being consumed. The real-life experiences help to form the thread of his novels, turning fiction into realism.

W: www.booksbyreallaplaine.com
E: real.laplaine@booksbyreallaplaine.com

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