Are You A Brit In Portugal Without Residency?

british embassy lisbonThere are many British in Portugal who don’t have Portuguese residency, so for whom the Schengen rules now apply, since Brexit. We asked the British Embassy what action they need to take and their reply is below.

Costa Sceptical About Brexit

COSTA SCEPTICAL ABOUT BREXITAs Portugal prepares to take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union while the Brexit talks continue to drag on, Prime Minister António Costa says the political will still exists for a trade deal, but the remaining differences between the UK and the EU should not be underestimated.

Brexit: The Clock Is Ticking

BREXIT: THE CLOCK IS TICKINGThis video is a must if you are considering a move to Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, Malta or France and want to know more about how Brexit could impact UK nationals moving to and living in Europe.

Brexit – swap your Driving Licence now!

bmwThe Foreign Office is advising British people living in EU countries to swap their UK driving licences for a local licence before 29th March 2019 in order to prepare for a no-deal Brexit, writes Sue Fletcher.

The latest advice on the Government’s website states: “If the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 29 March 2019, you will not be able to exchange your driving licence without taking another driving test.”

Driving into Brexit - the latest news for motorists

4683At last we have some clarity on travel within in the EU27 after Brexit, writes Sue Fletcher.

On 13th November the EU issued a preparedness notice on travelling after Brexit. This article will focus on driving and driving licences under the Vienna Conventions of 1949 and 1968, to which the UK is a signatory. The date of Brexit still hangs in the balance so it could be 29th March 2019 in the event of a no-deal or December 31st 2020.

Consular team holds "useful and worthwhile" Brexit meeting in Ourique

BritishEmbassyLogoOn Wednesday, December 12th, against the back-drop of political upheaval over Brexit in Westminster, the Consular Outreach team came to Ourique to explain just how Brexit is going to affect our Expat lives here in Portugal.

The team was headed by the Brisith Consul, Simona Demuro and Regional Consular Policy Officer, Lorna Geddie who both gave presentations in their individual areas of expertise.

Post-Brexit healthcare proposals for Brits abroad

doctorpaedoThe announcement of the Healthcare (International Arrangements) Bill was slipped out yesterday, 26th October, a Friday afternoon.

This fast-track bill they say will “provide the powers that are needed” as part of stepping up preparations for the UK crashing out of the EU without a deal.


brexitLenAs I write this, at the beginning of September, to use Michel Barnier’s words, ‘the clock is ticking’, and there’s not much time left to negotiate the 20% of the Withdrawal Agreement that has yet to be agreed, writes Sue Fletcher.

If there is no agreement in place by March 29th 2019 – just seven months from now, then the UK will fall out of the EU. This will mean that all treaties with the EU will immediately cease; there will be no transition period to the end of 2019; there will be no agreement on citizen’s rights and we will be on our own.

So we should be asking - ‘am I Brexit-proof?’