How do I get my company to appear on the right side of the Google results page?

How do I get my company to appear on the right side of the Google results page?This is one of the most frequently asked questions and perhaps one of the business owners’ most “procrastinated tasks”!

You have searched for your company on Google and it doesn't appear, now what?

The process is done in a very simple way, but it is necessary to spend some time to do it well, validate the location, gather information and images and complete your business profile.

You must first create a Google My Business (GMB) account. If you already have a GMB account, you will have to create a new location, which can be added if it already exists (as it may have been created automatically because of the users’ reviews), or created from scratch, adding the name and the right location. Then, set your cover image and company logo. Add also your images, preferably high quality ones, of the interior and exterior of your store, office, etc. A very important tip in what the photos from the exterior are concerned: always try to use images that are as recent as possible, so that those looking for you, can easily identify and find your business, as Google’s car may take some time to pass by your street again.

It’s indeed important to appear for people who are looking for you and who want to know more information about your company as well as for people who are looking for a service or a product similar to the ones you’re selling or providing in your area.

This Google My Business listing makes our profile accessible, with lots of useful information for the user, including contacts, reviews and comments from people who have tried out your service / product, opening hours and directions should you have a physical store or office. In addition, it also allows you to make posts, share event dates and limited promotions.

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