
How much content is enough content – Social Media

How much content is enough content – Social MediaWe’ve told you before (and Google confirms!) that content is the foundation of any good digital marketing strategy. So why would you think it would be different when it comes to social media?

It isn’t! Despite having possibly heard a thousand times that a “great post on Facebook should be somewhere between 40 and 50 characters”, you know, deep down inside, there’s no exact formula for this. So how do we know? How do we go about it?

Start by remembering that social media platforms are not all alike. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc, appeal to different people and will have different targets. You might even have them all on your phone (especially if you are a Millennial!) but you prefer one or two of them, where you choose to spend more time, over the others, right? So do your research, find out who your readers on each network are, and how to present your content on each one, not only the way they like it, but so that it performs the best it can there.

Think headlines and CTAs and half your work will be done. According to David Ogilvy, the “Father of Advertising” and advertising genius “On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy”. And this couldn’t be truer than with social media! Though Facebook, for instance, in 2020, gives you 63,206 characters per post, we all know that no one will read 63,206 characters while browsing through Facebook on their mobile phones.
Plus, competition is fierce in social media, with everyone competing for the users’ attention. A catchy, well thought out headline will capture their attention, compelling them to read your post, and a click-irresistible call-to-action (CTA) will wrap it all up with a nice big bow, sending them to wherever you want them to go.

Know thy audience! Who are they? Where are they? What makes them tick? What do they respond best to? What makes them engage with your post? If you answer these questions, you can tailor the content you write and make sure that what you share on social media pleases them and keeps them coming back for more. And the cherry on top of the cake is that this will also ensure that your posts will have a wider and broader reach, extending potentially well beyond your existing audience. Add videos, images, infographics, links, even podcasts, whatever works for the people you’re speaking to, and make your posts “colourful” enough to stand out from the crowd and the competition.

In short, write well, as sloppy content makes your company look sloppy too; do your research, so you can speak your audience’s “language”, add as much value as possible into the fewer words as possible to create an irresistible headline and grab your users; finish off with an enticing CTA to direct them to your shop, website, blog, etc; respect the intricacies of each social media platform, and the perfect length for your social media content will appear naturally before you.

Content-wise, does size matter in social media? Well, it really depends on who you’re looking for and talking to!

For more information, bespoke strategies and efficient digital marketing solutions, just contact the Clarity’s girls through info@yourdigitalclarity.com or visit our website at www.yourdigitalclarity.com.

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