ASB Ride to Almodovar

John leading the groupNo Alentejo Blue on the 23rd of February for the motorcyclists of the ASB. Only grey skies overhead as the group of 26 riders led by John Heffernan left the start near Boliqueime. The group left the cafe smoothly with the kind assistance of the GNR officer controlling  the traffic at the nearby roundabout resurfacing while we got underway. 

John who not only planned the route single handed also led the ride from start to finish taking us on a great route to Almodovar in the lower Alentejo with a stop for a short break in Amexial on the way. In the absence of any of his usual back up riders a few us took turns at acting as  sweepers collecting the odd stray rider who had missed a turn.

John took us on some beautiful quiet twisty roads with hardly any other vehicles in sight. Such a shame the views were somewhat restricted by the gloomy weather.

From Almodovar we went across to the to the IC1 via Gomes Aires for the return south to  Sao Marcos de Serra for what should have been our lunch stop.
Unfortunately, the restaurant which I will not name had made a mistake with the date of the booking and were unable to provide us with lunch.

So after a few anxious moments and discussions member Dave Everest phoned his local restaurant in Alte who agreed to provide lunch for the group. So the ride continued on to Alte and to Restaurante O Folklore who did us a super meal at short notice and which was much appreciated by a load of hungry bikers.

Lunch at O Folklore

Next Event

March 14th - Ride organised by Alain Bouzelet and John Redding. Details on website soon.

David Shirley - Organiser