Rotary International District Governor pays a visit

Rotary International District Governor pays a visitEstoi Palace International Rotary Club was delighted to receive a visit from Abilio Lopes our Rotary International District Governor (DG). This is an opportunity for the Club to show the DG work that has been done in the local community and internationally. During the visit the DG gave the Club a Certificate of Merit for the funds donated to the End Polio Now campaign, following a successful sponsored bike ride last November.

 Abilio Lopes - Rotary International District Governor visits Estoi Palace International Rotary Club Isabel Lopes, the incoming President of Rotary Club Tavira, gave a presentation regarding a Rotary project she is spearheading to provide birthing kits to Sao Tome and Principe. This former Portuguese colony is one of the poorest countries in the world with not only a very high infant mortality rate but also an elevated death rate for young mothers aged between 12 and 15. The kits are designed to improve sanitary conditions and reduce the mortality levels.
TAP offer free transport of the kits to the country. RCEPI are pleased to be able to assist this worthwhile effort by donating 500 euros to purchase 25 kits.
We are already assisting a women’s group there with a microfinancing project to help them expand a business supplying dried fish to the local school. The Club also gave the DG a donation towards his designated charity.

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