United Grand Lodge of England Tercentenary Celebrations

Grand Inspector of the Portugal Group of Lodges, Robert Scott LevittA celebration at the Royal Albert Hall in London on 31st October will be the culmination of the Tercentenary year of the United Grand Lodge of England.
Presided over by the Grand Master, HRH the Duke of Kent, the event will be attended by 3900 freemasons from all over the world including the Grand Inspector of the Portugal Group of Lodges, Robert Scott Levitt (pictured left).

Pro Grand Master Peter Geoffrey LowndesMr Levitt says that “English Lodges in Portugal have only existed since 1990, (at least in the modern era, there were others a long time ago) and are having their own Celebration in the Algarve on Saturday 4th November. We are being honoured by the presence of the Pro Grand Master Peter Geoffrey Lowndes (pictured right) and his wife Sheelah.
Nicholas Bosanquet will give a presentation on “Early 18th Century London” to the assembled ladies, freemasons and guests. A cheque for €8,000 will be presented to the Pro Grand Master for the Masonic Charity Fund, raised entirely by the Group in Portugal. English Lodges raise £33million annually for charity and here in Portugal they have given grants to allow nurses to follow their vocation, and supported local scout groups and disabled charities”.