
ASB - Ride to Odemira

View from Santa Clara hotelMembers of the Algarve Senior Bikers enjoyed their ride to Odemira in the lower Alentejo on Wednesday 25th October. The ride was organised by Stan Green and Miriam Post. Miriam did a great job when leading the 32 riders taking part from the start in Silves to the coffee break at the hotel overlooking the barragem at Santa Clara. The terrace of the hotel offers great views of the surrounding countryside and the water.

After a coffee and a chance to chat with the several new riders attending for the first time the members, now led by Stan took to the road again to head for lunch at Restaurante O Tarro overlooking the river in Odemira and the well known tree on the roundabout sculptured from scrap metal.

Photos by Ulf Kulbratt and John Heffernan.

NEXT EVENT will be announced soon.

David Shirley -  Organiser
W: www.algarveseniorbikers.com

ASB - on the hotel terrace overlooking Santa Clara

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