Musical Evening to aid Estoi Casa do Povo

Musical Evening to aid Estoi Casa do PovoIn 2009 just after its inauguration the Rotary Club of Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) looked for a project that would help the underprivileged in Estoi. Financial collapse was engulfing the world and the number of families registered locally with the Faro Food Bank was rising dramatically. Our then President Agnete Sylvan talked to the Director of the Casa do Povo about how we could help and the monthly food packs distributed from the Community Centre to those registered with the Food Bank were discussed.
At that time each family only received 1 litre of long life milk per month. Our Club decided to increase this to 6 litres per child and 2 litres per adult for each family at an annual cost of approximately 2500 euros. This is funded in the main by the quiz nights organised by RCEPI.

As we approach a milestone of 50.000 litres of milk delivered since the inception of the project, a Musical Evening was organised to celebrate in support of the Estoi Casa do Povo.
Music was provided by All Mixed Up, a choir from Moncarapacho giving their first ever performance; Rattle 'N Strum playing guitars, ukuleles and banjo; Bob Dylan tribute artist Boris Buggerov; and blues guitarist Pete Robinson. An enthusiastic audience enjoyed an entertaining evening from all the acts present.

Over the years Estoi Palace Rotary Club has helped the Casa do Povo in various ways, installing a heating system, wheelchair ramps, painting the interior, and helping to buy them a new van, to name but a few. The 1000 euros raised at this event on Saturday 5th of May, was donated to the Community Centre and will be used to renovate an exterior area.

For further information on Rotary Club Estoi Palace International contact,

Musical Evening to aid Estoi Casa do Povo