
The Academia de Ballet Contemporâneo - a winning team

The Academia de Ballet ContemporâneoThe Academia de Ballet Contemporâneo (ABC) opened its doors in 2016 at the hands of its Artistic Director Ana Dias, former professional dancer, who danced in several national and international companies and participated in tours in Brazil, Spain, Holland, France, a Professor Licensed by the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon - School of Dance and by Fontys University (The Netherlands).

ABC comes from a dream of creating a dance school that has all the pedagogical and logistic conditions appropriate for the practice of dance.

ABC is for all children who want and have a taste of dancing whether this taste is to learn to dance in a playful way or in a more professional way. ABC also works in the development of cultural projects and national and international cooperation and currently has about 160 students, from 3 to 60-years-old in the disciplines of Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Hip-Hop, Pilates and Yoga and has two full scholarships.

ABC is unusal in terms of human resources both in the Algarve and at the national level. Besides having a pedagogical line that allows to embrace not only those who want to develop the artistic side, also gives the possibility of those who want to have a base to make a career in the world of dance. All members of their departments have academic background in which they interact with ABC as well as professionally.

This already makes ABC unusual, having a holistic view of the needs of its students and having departments to express these needs makes ABC a true vehicle of cultural entrepreneurship.

The different departments (pedagogy, image management and clinical) are under-represented: - Pedagogical Director Grabriel Marius Fratian: He started his studies in Dance at the Bucharest Conservatory of Floria Capsali. He danced classical repertoire in ballets such as Coppélia, La Sylphide, Carmen, in the Teatro Lírico Constanta Company and Teatro Lírico Creova. He graduated from the School of Dance in the Education Branch. Did the Course for teachers of the Vaganova Method. He founded the Gem, School of Dance in Bragança, taught at the Artist Academy, in the Dance Forum, Orfeão de Leiria.

He currently teaches at the Dance School of the National Conservatory of Lisbon. - Director of Management Dr. Francisco Paisana Graduated in Management from the Faculty of Economics of Porto. - Clinical Director Dr. Ivo Carneiro Master's Degree in Pediatrics from the Faculty of Medicine of the Faculty of Porto, MGF Specialist, Graduate in Sports Medicine, Graduate in Geriatrics, Former clinical director of Farense Futebol Clube, current clinical director of the Association of Algarve Swimming and Tavira Swimming Club. - Director of Image Dr. José Cardoso Graduate in Fine Arts by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto.

ABC has teachers trained by the Royal Academy of Dance (London) and has partnerships with International school, American Academy of Ballet (New York). In addition to these partnerships, ABC regularly has teachers from National Conservatory of Dance (From Lisbon) to Teach at its Academy.

ABC has been representing the Algarve and Portugal in several National and International competitions, always winning awards. In its two years of existence, it has won 30 prizes, the most important of which are the Tanzolymp (Berlin) “World School revelation” Prize and last Novenber represented Portugal in the United States of America where it collected 9 prizes, among them 5 first Places, It was the moust awarded shool in Europe.

For the ABC Pedagogical Centre it does not make sense to participate in competitions solely for the purposes of the prizes, because this way we would participate in contests without any prestige.

As do many schools. We want our students to learn the sense of work, effort and self-improvement that lead to these distinctions, which are evaluated by professionals trained, accredited and recognised as masters in the field of Dance.

Undoubtedly the biggest distinction was the World Revelation School prize, received at Tanzolymp in February, Berlin, Germany. The jury was made up of 23 Directors and dancers of the best schools and companies of World Dance.

ABC seeks Partnerships & Sponsorships, we look for entities or individuals with a civic-sociocultural sense who want to support the Academia de Ballet Contemporâneo to develop activities (workshops) and International and National representations.

The support can come in the form of donations, sponsorships or people can choose to direct their support to specific programs: Scholarships, (offering financial aid through the payment of tuition to students with high potential but without the capacity to self-finance.) Scholarship for boys, (offering training in the area of Classical dance to boys aged between 10 and 14 years, Fomentando the dance and number of male dancers in Portugal.) and Representation Exchange, (helping in the high costs of participation in competitions, workshops and master classes, both in terms of registration, in travel and accommodation).


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