
Rotary Club of Albufeira - Solidarity Mission 2021- Fighting hunger

ROTARY CLUB OF ALBUFEIRA - SOLIDARITY MISSION 2021- FIGHTING HUNGERUnder the Rotary motto "Rotary Opens Opportunities", and in the context of various actions that have been developed by Rotary Club of Albufeira for the benefit of the community, in difficult times such as those we currently go through, namely hidden hunger, which affects a number of families, and whose household is often composed of children and disabled, the Rotary Club of Albufeira launched a Solidarity Campaign.

The campaign  "Mission Of Solidarity 2021" began on December 1, 2020 and is going on in to 2021, with the Rotary Club of Albufeira committed to actions on the ground, appealing for the donation of goods and non perishable food products, toiletries and household cleaning items, as well as animal food (dogs and cats).

This year, Rotary Club of Albufeira is going to commemorate 50 years, so are determined celebrate by fighting hunger in this solidarity mission, welcoming smiles, touching hearts and renewing hopes.

Here are some recent actions of the Rotary Club of Albufeira, developed in these times of pandemic, and of which they are very proud, namely :

- awarding 5 scholarships to students of merit,  without which they could not continue their studies due to the economic insufficiency of the household, 3 fully supported by the Rotary Club of Albufeira and the remaining two in partnership with the Municipality of Albufeira and the Portuguese Rotary Foundation; 

- award of 4 state-of-the-art helmets to the Volunteer Firefighters of Albufeira;

- Regarding the Polio vaccination campaign, a project of Rotary International since 1930, along with partners, helped immunise more than 2.5 billion children against Polio in 122  3rd world countries, representing a 99.9% reduction in the number of cases worldwide. The Rotary Club of Albufeira carried out an appeal on the streets of ALBUFEIRA on World Polio Day, 24 October, with the creation of a short video with the message "Call 760 30 20 13 = 1 Call = 1 Vaccine= 1 Life of a child saved". This appeal still remains active.

- We have been active and committed since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, to support civil society and civil protection forces with personal protective and hygiene equipment (masks, visors, gloves and gel alcohol), assigned to charities and hospitals in Faro and Portimão (CHUA);

- We have supported actions collecting school supplies for children in need in African Portuguese-speaking countries.

W: https://www.rotaryportugal.pt/

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