Estoi Rotary Club Welcomes New President

New President - Jim BellJim Bell, a self employed business consultant, has taken over as the new president of the Rotary Club Estoi Palace International.

During a luncheon on July 1 at the Estoi Palace, the previous president Shirley Dunne was joined by Rotary International Coordinator Chris Garner, Assistant District Governor Abilio Lopes, visiting Rotarians, friends and family members, as the chain of office was officially passed to Jim who is originally from Scotland.

New president, Jim Bell and past president Shirley Dunne.Jim has previously been a Rotarian in Bangkok, Thailand and in Buckinghamshire in the UK. He became a member of Rotary Club Estoi Palace International in 2010.

During the luncheon, Past Assistant District Governor of Rotary Club Loule, Joao Paulo Sousa presented Shirley Dunne and the members of the Rotary Club Estoi Palace International with a Significant Achievement Award from Rotary International. This award recognizes clubs for significant projects that serve the greater needs of the community.

For further information about Rotary Club Estoi Palace International, please visit