Algarve Senior Bikers visit the West Coast

The view from the restaurantOn June 29th the Algarve Senior Bikers met near São Marcos de Serra and took the scenic route via São Teotonio to the West coast.

A short stop included to take in the coastal scenery from a view point near Picota on the way to Monchique. In Mochique a break for refreshments and to take time to meet new members joining the group for the first time.

The 29 riders who made the trip to the West coast enjoyed lunch by the sea in the sunshine in the lovely Restaurant Rita, overlooking the beautiful coastline of the bay at Zambujeira do Mar.

At Picota Viewpoint, the view from Picota and Coffee break on Monchique
The ride was organised by Hans who acted as lead rider for the day, assisted by Peter Kenyon, and they took the group through some superb quiet country side on the way, with spectacular views on all sides as they rode towards the West coast in brilliant sunshine. 

Photos by John Heffernan and John Wittey

Next Event

July 12th -  Short Summer Ride from Paderne to São Bras de Alportel for lunch. Organised by Brian (5th Gear) Evans.


The group at Zambujeira do Mar